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10 Data Protection Tips for 2023

by | Dec 19, 2022

2022 Data Security Lessons Learned

2022 has been a busy year in cybersecurity with some high-profile breaches taking over the headlines late in the year. From simple negligence to unpatched systems, phishing emails, hackers, and malicious insiders our systems and data remain vulnerable.

Here are some sobering facts from the 2022 Cost of a Data Breach Report:

  • 83% of organizations surveyed had more than one data breach.
  • 60% of organizations’ breaches led to increases in prices passed on to customers.
  • 79% of critical infrastructure organizations haven’t deployed a zero trust architecture.
  • 19% of breaches occurred due to a compromised business partner.
  • 45% of the breaches were cloud-based.
  • The cost of a data breach averaged USD 4.35 million in 2022 – setting an all-time high.

It’s clear that despite our best investments in security training and technology there is still room for improvement in 2023.

10 Data Protection Blogs & Tips for 2023

As you prepare for 2023 and what your organization can do to bolster data protection in the new year, here are the top 10 viewed posts on security trends, best practices and new technologies from our weekly cybersecurity blog.

  1. WHAT IS MULTI-LEVEL SECURITY (MLS) AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? https://www.archtis.com/what-is-multi-level-security-mls-and-why-is-it-important/
  2. WHAT IS SENSITIVE DATA? SENSITIVE DATA DEFINITIONS, TYPES & BEST PRACTICES https://www.archtis.com/what-is-sensitive-data/
  3. HOW TO IDENTIFY AND PROTECT PERSONAL INFORMATION https://www.archtis.com/what-is-personal-information/
  4. WHAT IS DATA-CENTRIC SECURITY? https://www.archtis.com/what-is-data-centric-security/
  5. WHAT IS THE ATTRIBUTE BASED ACCESS CONTROL (ABAC) MODEL? https://www.archtis.com/attribute-based-access-control-security-model/
  6. 15 WAYS TO PROTECT DATA WITH DIGITAL SECURITY WATERMARKS https://www.archtis.com/15-ways-to-protect-data-with-digital-security-watermarks/
  7. THE TOP INSIDER DATA LOSS CAUSES AND PREVENTIONS https://www.archtis.com/what-is-data-loss-top-data-loss-causes-and-preventions/
  8. USING DIGITAL SECURITY WATERMARKS TO PREVENT DATA LOSS AND AID IN FORENSICS https://www.archtis.com/using-personalized-watermarks-to-prevent-data-loss-and-aid-in-forensics/
  9. WHAT IS ZERO TRUST ACCESS AND HOW TO EMPLOY IT https://www.archtis.com/what-is-zero-trust-access-and-how-to-employ-it/
  10. ITAR AND EAR COMPLIANCE IN MICROSOFT 365 AND SHAREPOINT https://www.archtis.com/itar-and-ear-compliance-in-microsoft-365-and-sharepoint/

At archTIS our mission is to empower organizations to prevent data loss and unauthorized access from occurring in the first place with dynamic data-centric security built on ABAC policies. Our Kojensi platform and NC Protect suite for Microsoft applications enable you to extend zero trust principles to data access at the individual file level. Dynamic ABAC policies determine who can access an individual file, what they can do with it and who it can be shared with based on the sensitivity of the data, user, device and where they are at that moment – each and every time a user tries to access a file.

We are committed to providing you with thoughtful discussion, technologies and tips on the latest threats and best practices to stay ahead of cyber threats in 2023 and beyond. Subscribe to our blog to get a weekly update delivered to your inbox.

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